Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Introducing Scott Boris {woodworking}

I can't help but picture one of Scott Boris's beautifully turned bowls placed in the center of a table with a bunch of fresh fruit. What a centerpiece that would be and one full of so much meaning! Scott lives in Waukesha, Wisconsin and has been woodworking since early on in his teaching career (13 years). He says, "I have found the more saw dust I make, the more relaxed I feel. I bought a lathe in the fall of 2002 and have been playing on it ever since. Being in a profession that is 99.999% female, I have had a lot of fun making sure everyone knows that I am NOT female."
Scott has two favorite styles of turned bowls. One being natural edge like the one pictured above that shows the bark on the edges. The above Natural Bark Edge Locust Bowl is listed at $85. Crotch bowls are his other favorite. Crotches come from the area between the trunk and a main branch and give an interesting grain design. To read more about Scott's process and meaning behind his creations be sure to read about him in Touched Creatively's first issue. Don't miss his on-line shop at to see more of his amazing creations.

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